Learning Styles

During enrichment class this week, we will be examining our learning styles and personality as part of our unit on identity. The students will be doing a lab to examine their learning preferences. They will then take a self-assessment.

Here is one self-assessment your student can take in class or at home. The vocabulary is a little more advanced so is probably best for the 4th/5th graders or for parents to do with their child.


The purpose of these assessments are for kids to develop awareness about what type of learner they are and also realize that all kids are different types of learners. That way, we can be more sensitive to the kids who, for example, do not like to read because they prefer building and problem solving. They will also start to learn about how they can personally study or learn new things. For example, if they are super musical, they can learn history facts by putting them to the tune of a familiar song.



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