2nd and 3rd Grade Enrichment 9/19

Today, I saw the benefits of having a small class who directs their own learning. I did not have "class pets" on my lesson plan but when they all started discussing wanting a class pet, I turned it into a spontaneous lesson. They researched the best and worst class pets and then I had them start a persuasive letter to me detailing two reasons why it would be good to have a class pet. I would like to see a nice edited letter turned into me next Tuesday.

What else did we do?

  • free journal write
  • class meeting and prayer. We opened up Operation World to the country of Laos and prayed for the country
  • we used homemade tubes to see how our eyes can get confused. Have your kids show you how to make a "tube go through your hand."
  • we started our milk-fed pumpkin. Ask your kids to explain the procedure of starting a milk-fed pumpkin
  • we researched how to make a worm bin. We are going to discuss food waste and come up with a plan to waste less food at ECS.
  • we started our persuasive letters on "why we should get a class pet." The letters should have two reasons in separate paragraphs. For an extra challenge, try and address a negative reason but turn it into a positive.  "Even though a class pet could be a distraction, we can learn many things from taking care of an animal."
  • Third graders did a writing activity on observing and describing chocolate chips. We looked at "Stone Soup" magazine and discussed how to submit our writing and artwork for publication. This is something we will encourage throughout the year.
  • we worked on word analogies and 2nd grade had time to do online math activities and a group game called "1492."
  • we finished the day with a basic introduction to fractions using a recipe. We made a snack and the kids had free educational time either playing "math top 10," legos, k'nex, Chronology.


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